Special Olympics Canada 2018 Bowling Championships Daily Highlights & Upcoming Events

Check out Team Manitoba's Bowlers first day in Prince Edward Island  here

Day Two -Team events for both disciplines took place at all venues, with athletes having a blast on the first day of competition. It also was the
first day of Healthy Athletes occurred at Slemon Park for all 10-pin participants.  See what Team Manitoba was up to.

Day Three-  Highlights from May 17, 2018 
The final day for Healthy Athletes happened at UPEI, with Charlottetown-based athletes having the opportunity to be screened in the 3 disciplines (Strong Minds, Fun Fitness and Opening Eyes)

Healthy Athletes screened 237 over 2-days (Summerside 123, Charlottetown 114)

Check here to see what Team Manitoba was up to.

Day Four -was the last day of competition for most of the athletes. Check out what they got up to here

Day Five- was the final day for Team Toba bowlers and they had a great time at the medal ceremonies, closing ceremonies, and athlete dance. Check out today's newsletter here!
